Monday, November 16, 2009

Going on record

So I caved and finally started a triathlon training blog. I set up this blog 10 months ago when I first started training, but at the time I remembered just being overwhelmed at the prospect of training AND having to record it all. I felt I couldn't do it justice. I have barely had time to update my main food blog this year although I did write a couple of entries there about triathlon training.

So why do it now? Here's why:

There is an incredible, supportive, awesome group of folks out there from whom I have learned and gained inspiration this past year.  These are athletes of all abilities who know what it's like to wake up when it's dark and gloomy outside and drag your butt to the pool or the track. People who have lived through injuries and setbacks and still keep doing what they do because it's worth it. There are no egos. No competition, even (which is why I don't like clubs because everything turns into a contest). Mostly we just encourage one another to do the best we can, whether it's for a 5k race or an Ultra marathon.

This is a big one for me. Most of my friends do not understand why I have turned into this person who "exercises too much". They are supportive but they also think I'm crazy. It helps to know that I'm actually NOT crazy :)

There is no shortage of information available on the Internet for a novice triathlete. I have barely scratched the surface. I LOVE that there is always something new to learn. New technology, clothing, nutrition, interesting race venues, on and on it goes. The folks on Twitter, Beginner Triathlete message boards, the bloggers, the podcasters, the coaches who are all willing to share their knowledge - you guys are awesome and a tremendous help! Perhaps, a few seasons from now, I might be able to help someone who is just starting out. That would be cool.

When I hear about what workouts you're doing and how you did, it fuels my own workouts and makes me want to do my best. Each morning, there's a running theme (ha, literally) on my Twitter feed: "I did this. What are you doing?" It makes me want to get out there and do my bit, sometimes even when I don't feel like it. And when you have a couple hundred people who know you have a race coming up, you better get your workouts done because you know they're going to ask how it went!

Lastly, I feel there is value in recording where you've been. While I have kept a training log of all my workouts over the last 10 months, I have learned so much about myself that the log doesn't even begin to capture. I want to be able to look back and see the emotion, the highs and lows, the "Aha!" moments.

So now more procrastinating. It starts now. Going on record.

1 comment:

Mely1978 said...

I cant wait to cheer for you when you'll be running your first triathlon :) Keep on the good work!